In-sewer Ants

Posted August 2006

I remember laughing very hard at a comic-book joke as a kid. A red indian with horrific injuries goes to visit his witch-doctor:

— What brought this on?
— I was out hunting when an eagle attacked me, but luckily it dropped me in front of a flock of runaway buffalo!
— Luckily?
— Yes, it's the only thing my medical insurance covers!

I used to find it hilarious back then, but having now started looking into insurance I realise that the joke's on me, and I don't find it so funny anymore. Here's an excerpt from the exclusion clause in Abbey's accident cover:

We will not pay benefits for an accident that is directly or indirectly the result of:

If the poor red indian in the joke above had had this insurance, I'm pretty sure the cretins would have managed to weasel their way out of paying for his claim.