Hydra Theme Switcher for Emacs

Posted February 2017

I recently read Greg Hendershott's emacs themes blog post, and cribbed liberally from his approach to loading themes. I also cribbed his Hydra theme switcher. It was so fun to use! I wanted to try it with all the themes I have installed—but I didn't want to add all of them manually. Boo! So I set out to see if I could dynamically add all installed themes to my Hydra theme switcher.

First I needed a list of all installed themes. I remembered that when you do M-x load-theme RET and TAB you get a list of all the themes, so I started looking there. C-h f load-theme RET brings up the documentation for that function, and this has a link to the source at the top. I clicked that, and quickly found that it calls custom-available-themes.

Next I needed to generate the Hydra doc-string/menu. My biggest annoyance with the manual process was modifying the doc-string to add the key & hint. So initially I thought about automating this in some way, perhaps by listing light & dark & "other" themes separately. But it would still be annoying. I thought about chaining hydras too, but then I discovered that Hydra supports a different mode: you can provide a hint as the third argument in the "head" and it will create the menu for you. I opted for this approach.

I now needed to come up with a strategy for how to select KEYs to select each theme. First I thought about using mnemonics for the themes themselves, but I have both leuven, leuven-dark, light-blue, and liso all starting with l. I then thought about using shortest unique sub-string, but that would mean variable-length keys which I didn't want; as much as possible I wanted single-keystroke keys. So I decided to go with an alphabet of 62 candidate keys:

(setq sb/hydra-selectors

The list returned by custom-available-themes is not sorted alphabetically, but I wanted my Hydra menu to present them that way. It took a while to figure out how to sort the list since it's a list of symbols rather than strings, and also I spent a long time hunting for non-destructive sort. (I didn't find any, but it turns out the list is created every time so it's not necessary.) My theme sorter looks like this:

(defun sb/sort-themes (themes)
  (sort themes
        (lambda (a b)
          (string< (symbol-name a)
                   (symbol-name b)))))

Now I was ready create my Hydra's "heads". These should be of the form (KEY ACTION HINT). I had a list of candidate KEYs, and a list of themes to build the action and hint, but I needed to piece it together. I struggled to figure out how to correlate the KEY and THEME using mapcar, but then I noticed mapcar* (final * is significant) among the auto-complete candidates. This is very similar to mapcar but takes multiple lists and passes a value from each to the mapping function. Just what I needed! As a bonus it stops when either list runs out of items.

(defun sb/hydra-load-theme-heads (themes)
  (mapcar* (lambda (a b)
             (list (char-to-string a)
                   `(sb/load-theme ',b)
                   (symbol-name b)))
           sb/hydra-selectors themes))

The back-quote (`) in that snippet is similar to quoting with ' or quote, but allows you to selectively unquote bits inside with ,. I need it because I needed to quote the argument to sb/load-theme.

defhydra doesn't take a list of heads, but I thought I might find a related function that would, perhaps defhydra*. Unfortunately, I had no such luck. However, this is Lisp so there are ways. We'll reach for back-quote again, but this time instead of a simple unquote we splice our heads into the defhydra argument list with ,@. This now looked like so:

(eval `(defhydra sb/hydra-select-themes
         (:hint nil :color pink)
         "Select Theme"
         ("DEL" (sb/disable-all-themes))
         ("RET" nil "done" :color blue)))

We then just need to assign a keybinding, which I do like this:

(bind-keys ("C-c w t" . sb/hydra-select-themes/body))

This worked beautifully, except for one issue: if I installed a new theme it would not show up in my Hydra menu until I manually re-evaluated the config snippet, or restart Emacs. That's not ideal. Perusing the Hydra examples revealed a recipe that assigned the return value of defhydra to the key, so next I tried to rewrite my code to this:

(bind-keys ("C-c w t" .
            (eval `(defhydra sb/hydra-select-themes
                     (:hint nil :color pink)
                     "Select Theme"
                     ("DEL" (sb/disable-all-themes))
                     ("RET" nil "done" :color blue)))))

Unfortunately that did not work. Launching the Hydra now I got the following error:

command-execute: Wrong type argument: commandp, (eval (\` (defhydra sb/hydra-select-themes (:hint nil :color pink) "Select Theme" (\,@ (sb/hydra-load-theme-heads (sb/sort-themes (custom-available-themes)))) ("DEL" (sb/disable-all-themes)) ("RET" nil "done" :color blue))))

I didn't really understand what that meant, but I searched the hydra issues some more for "dynamic" invocation and found a comment with a recipe that I was able to adapt. It's a bit more faff, and I don't understand why the call-interactively is necessary, but it works and here it is:

(bind-keys ("C-c w t" .
            (lambda ()
               (eval `(defhydra sb/hydra-select-themes
                        (:hint nil :color pink)
                        "Select Theme"
                        ("DEL" (sb/disable-all-themes))
                        ("RET" nil "done" :color blue)))))))

For completeness here's the full source for this switcher:

(defun sb/disable-all-themes ()
  (mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes))

(defun sb/load-theme (theme)
  "Enhance `load-theme' by first disabling enabled themes."
  (load-theme theme))

(setq sb/hydra-selectors

(defun sb/sort-themes (themes)
  (sort themes
        (lambda (a b)
           (symbol-name a)
           (symbol-name b)))))

(defun sb/hydra-load-theme-heads (themes)
  (mapcar* (lambda (a b)
             (list (char-to-string a)
                   `(sb/load-theme ',b)
                   (symbol-name b)))
           sb/hydra-selectors themes))

(bind-keys ("C-c w t" .
            (lambda ()
               (eval `(defhydra sb/hydra-select-themes
                        (:hint nil :color pink)
                        "Select Theme"
                        ("DEL" (sb/disable-all-themes))
                        ("RET" nil "done" :color blue)))))))

For what it's worth, here's my Emacs Themes Config on GitHub.