This post builds on the template I created in my previous post, where I created an S3 redirection bucket supported by an SSL certificate. You may find it helpful to read that post first. Furthermore, this post is part of a series where I add SSL to this blog. If you like this post, you might like the others too.

Table of Contents

Log bucket

Since the bucket we're creating this time is going to host our site it might be interesting to capture access logs1. S3 buckets are great for logging, and it's super easy to configure them for this. The below snippet does exactly that2. The key thing about log buckets is to remember setting the AccessControl property to LogDeliveryWrite.

1: Resources:
2:   [...]
3:   LogBucket:
4:     Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
5:     Properties:
6:       AccessControl: LogDeliveryWrite
7:       BucketName: !Join
8:         - '.'
9:         - ['www', !Ref DomainName, 'logs']

Site bucket

Next we create the bucket that will hold our website. This time we won't redirect anything, though we'll specify that when someone asks for the root of the bucket they'll get the index.html document—and on error they'll get the 404.html document3. Finally we configure this bucket to ship logs to the LogBucket we created in the previous step.

 1: Resources:
 2:   [...]
 3:   SiteBucket:
 4:     Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
 5:     Properties:
 6:       BucketName: !Join ['.', ['www', !Ref DomainName]]
 7:       WebsiteConfiguration:
 8:         IndexDocument: index.html
 9:         ErrorDocument: 404.html
10:       LoggingConfiguration:
11:         DestinationBucketName: !Ref LogBucket

CloudFront distribution

Finally we set up a CloudFront distribution. This is identical to the setup in the previous post except our Alias now has a www prefix. Nevertheless, this is a short post so I'll include it here for completeness. Note that this also uses the SSL certificate we set up in the previous post, since we created that with a SubjectAlternativeName that would work for our www domain. I also added an Output so we can get at the CloudFormation domain for testing, since the DNS still points to GitHub Pages.

 1: Resources:
 2:   [...]
 3:   SiteCloudFront:
 4:     Type: 'AWS::CloudFront::Distribution'
 5:     Properties:
 6:       DistributionConfig:
 7:         Aliases:
 8:           - !Join ['.', ['www', !Ref DomainName]]
 9:         Enabled: True
10:         Origins:
11:           - DomainName: !Select
12:               - 1
13:               - !Split ["//", !GetAtt SiteBucket.WebsiteURL]
14:             Id: origin
15:             CustomOriginConfig:
16:               OriginProtocolPolicy: http-only
17:         DefaultCacheBehavior:
18:           TargetOriginId: origin
19:           DefaultTTL: 5
20:           MaxTTL: 30
21:           ForwardedValues:
22:             QueryString: false
23:           ViewerProtocolPolicy: redirect-to-https
24:         ViewerCertificate:
25:           AcmCertificateArn: !Ref SSL
26:           SslSupportMethod: sni-only
27: Outputs:
28:   [...]
29:   SiteCloudFrontDomain:
30:     Value: !GetAtt SiteCloudFront.DomainName

Now we can test everything!

To test this setup we have to upload some files to the S3 bucket. First I did that like this:

aws s3 sync \
    --exclude '*' \
    --include '*.html' \
    --include '*.png' \
    --include '*.css' \
    ~/blog/ s3://

However, I kept getting permissions errors. I wasted a lot of time investigating bucket permissions until I realised I need to add public read object permissions too. aws s3 sync --acl public-read will do that, so I touch-ed all the files and re-uploaded them like this:

aws s3 sync --acl public-read \
    --exclude '*' \
    --include '*.html' \
    --include '*.png' \
    --include '*.css' \
    ~/blog/ s3://

I was able to get the SiteCloudFrontDomain value from my CloudFormation Stack and visit that domain in a browser. It redirects me to the HTTPS version of the same site, as expected, and shows the index.html document. If we go to a path that doesn't exist, we get the expected 404 page. Success!


The thing that caused me most grief with this setup was not CloudFormation itself but learning that each S3 object in my bucket had to have public read permissions too. Novice mistake, I'm sure! And I'm actually really happy that objects are private by default. That is a good and sensible default! (Even if it did cause me a bit of a headache today.)


This was not so interesting for the redirection bucket we created in the last post, as all the requests should ultimately end up on this bucket anyway.


You don't have to specify a BucketName, but I like to as it makes finding the right bucket in the S3 console a lot easier.


Much as before on GitHub.